Authentic Learning in Chicago Public Schools
Authentic assessment and PBL units are best practice pedagogy, but with the rigorous demands placed on time strapped teachers, how does one even begin to find willing and capable mentors in their community?
EdAdvocate designed curriculum and a social media platform, which resulted in authentic education and increased student engagement.
Authentic education, via real life learning and project based learning creates meaning through which all students in our diverse classrooms will find meaning. Creating these experiences can be exhaustive and time consuming, as we understand the demand of an educator’s schedule.
By making connections with the community, and designing standards based units specifically integrating the skills of a community professional to optimize learning, we saw increased mastery, engagement within the classroom and higher college application rates. By facilitating relationships, EdAdvocate made authentic learning accessible to all.
CONNECT: Registered Educational Professionals and Community Professionals virtually connected with eachother through EdAdvocate’s community.
DESIGN: Using the educator’s content area and the community professional’s area of expertise, EdAdvocate designed an appropriate Project Based Learning unit specifically for the target students.
INSPIRE: Via facilitation of student learning, documentation of the stages, successes and struggles with EdAdvocate, students were inspired to create a portfolio of their shared collaboration.